for $75 off

☎️ Monthly LIVE Calls announced through the end of the year!

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A Self-Paced Nutrition and Gut Health Course to balance the Mama-Baby Biome featuring 10 Cook Alongs, and 10 Modules with 40+ leasons.

For New Moms, Pregnant Women, Mothers of Young Children, & those who servers mothers

Does your baby suffer from Eczema, chronic spitting up, mucuosy poos or constipation?

Have you got a picky eater on your hands, despite doing things "the right way"?

Do you lack the energy you used to have and cannot quite figure out why?

Do you wish to learn the skills to reverse your family's symptoms yourself at home?

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Mama Baby Biome can help you!

Hi! I'm Kate, mother of two, private chef (5+ years) turned Nutrtional Therapist and GAPS practicioner. I'm glad you're here.

If you are anything like me, you want the best for your family. And as a mom you start to notice the little things. You see what's working and what is not.

Watching my first son constantly spitting up pushed me to find answers.

Now I've helped over 250 mothers learn the skills to reverse their babies symptoms from the comfort of their homes.

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Why is this happening?

Our Children have more chronic illnesses than any generation before.

By testing the blood of the umbilical cord in infants, scientists found flame retardants, organochlorine pesticides, microplastics, dioxins, mercury & lead… even chemical substances that have been banned since the 60s!

Hundreds of chemicals showed up in the blood, many of which are endocrine disrupting (playing a role in changing our hormones), causing leaky gut, immune and allergy problems and so much more...

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On top of that, Modern Mothering is difficult.

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Broken Food System

Convenient-food, conflicting food fads, and information overload make the head swirl when it comes to solving our health issues naturally… not to mention who has time to research all of that to find out what’s the best course of action…?!!?!

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Broken Biome

Mothers are dealing with skin issues, moodiness, depletion, autoimmune conditions & daily (or weekly) digestive upset. This makes raising a happy, healthy family all the more challenging.

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Broken Ancestry

Parents are exhausted, village-less and without the sacred knowledge passed down from previous generations to help us.

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We know there has been a decline in the state of our health, but what do we do to fix it?

We need to look at the state of our GUTS! Hippocrates said it best.


To DIGEST the beautiful food that you lovingly source and cook you need a functioning digestive system, and a robust, diverse & healthy microbiome.

What can we,

as Mothers, do to fix it?

Build Your Mama Baby Biome

In this course with Nutritional Therapist and GAPS Practitioner, Kate Pope, you will improve the health of you and your family's microbiome so that:

Digestion is smooth, comfortable & easy.

Moms: You can think straight, and remember stuff!

Children: Less fussy, more alert

Immune issues & symptoms quiet down or are fully resolved.

Moms: More energy throughout the day

Babies: Sleep better at night

Your family enjoys what they're eating and are satisfied physically and psychologically

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Learn how to connect the dots between

the research on the Gut-Brain Axis and

Ancestral, Tried-and-True methods of eating

What Mothers are saying

"The gems I have harvested from this class are PEACE and KNOWLEDGE.

I was overwhelmed thinking I shouldn’t of taken the class yet because I have so much going on but have realized I couldn’t have taken it at a better time."

-Grace, Mama Baby Biome Alumni

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"Where we are moving we will be living very close to the family members who we have a hard time explaining ourselves to about these healthy lifestyle choices we are making for our family. I have so much more CONFIDENCE and PEACE in our decision to nourish our family in this way because of the KNOWLEDGE I have gained from what I’ve listened to so far in the portal and watched in the cook alongs. I don’t feel as intimidated and feel at peace when we want to explain our choices because I now know our WHY behind it all! Also one thing we have gotten to implement is making and drinking meat stock and that routine has been so grounding for us during this time!

Thank you Kate, Alex, and Augie for sharing such incredible wisdom and opening up your kitchen to us

Can’t wait to join more cook alongs in the future"

-Grace, Mama Baby Biome Alumni

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"Biggest surprise for me after joining was the level of detail in the guidance we receive."

-Cate, Mama Baby Biome Alumni

“I thought I could just do the food intro protocol from looking at your reels… seeing stocks, ferments, bone marrow - but then joined the course and was blown away with the detail. Made all the difference and suddenly felt so confident. Took the guess work out of it for me.✨”

"Little did I know this course would not only help my son, but our entire family.

Kate’s knowledge about nutrition and cooking is unmatched with what’s out there.

-Allison, Mama Baby Biome Alumni

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"I took the mama-baby biome course because my son had troubles with constipation since he was an infant. [...] The live cook-alongs as well as the modules she has put together, and from years of experience and education, her course should cost more! Kate is also active in our Facebook group answering questions and offers so many more resources beyond the course. You can tell it’s not only a passion, but something that works, and Kate knows it needs to be shared!

Since her class, I’ve felt so inspired to get in the kitchen, my husband and I haven’t eaten out in over a month!! My son is having regular bowel movements, and we are feeling more energized and happy-all proof of a healthy gut! My parents who live nearby have also benefited from the home-cooked, gut healthy meals! Never would I have thought that I’d be buying chicken feet from my local butcher for delicious, nourishing meat stock, or making my own ferments, but here I am doing this and more! I feel so blessed to have stumbled upon her page, my health and family’s health is better for it. Thank you Kate, I am eternally grateful."

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"My baby was immediately happier (wasn’t irritable), the blood in her stool stopped, and her eczema started clearing up.

Now, 5 months later, my baby is absolutely thriving and my 3 year old daughter’s digestive symptoms have completely gone away."

-Ashley, Mama Baby Biome Alumni

"Mama Baby Biome has been an absolute game changer for both of my children! They love all the nutrient dense foods, and I feel so good knowing what I’m feeding them is not only healing their gut but is setting them up for life!

I myself have never felt better! I have more energy now than ever before! Eating this way has truly become a way of life for me and my family. I couldn’t be more grateful to have found Kate’s course. It is so empowering to have a true understanding of what our bodies need to thrive and a roadmap for any challenges that may come up. Kate has a gift for educating others about deep nourishment and inspiring them to create magic in the kitchen"

"Kate's recipes taste and feel like love and home and truth.

The knowledge I’ve gained will continue to support this postpartum and breastfeeding season, future pregnancies, and will ripple into the lives of my family forever."

-Harminee, Mama Baby Biome Alumni

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"Imagine being offered live guidance, abundant resource, and community throughout a course to implement what you can - as you can. Real, simple options of “good/better/best” has meant that I’ve steadily built a stronger foundation in my approach to food. I understand much more clearly what foods our bodies need and how to give them just that.​Cutting sugar cravings while enjoying our favorite butter and creams made these changes sustainable as well as delicious. [...]"

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"This isn’t just a nutrition class; it’s a safe space full of community, wisdom, testimony, and encouragement.

If you’re not sure if you should take this course, let this be a sign from the universe and a nurse-mama to do it!"

-Christina, Mama Baby Biome Alumni

"Kate is truly a wealth of knowledge, and she shares all the wisdom she holds in a way that is easily digestible for everyone, regardless of their background.

Being a nurse, I already have an educational foundation in the way the human body works and how our genetics, environment, and lifestyle play into our overall health, but what’s vastly lacking in the curriculum is the true emphasis on the importance of gut health for our overall well-being. The modern-day dietary guidelines and food pyramid don’t actually set us up for nutritional success. Learning from Kate, I’ve come to understand and appreciate the fact that without healing and sealing our gut, properly opening and cleansing through our detox pathways, and raising our vibration through our thoughts and beliefs surrounding proper nutrition and food for healing, ultimately our health will fall by the wayside.

There’s something so empowering about knowing how to heal yourself and your loved ones holistically and truly from the inside out, and this course teaches exactly that. Not only will you learn how to cook the nourishing foods that our ancestors thrived on, but also how to source those foods in such a way that your spirit and the spirits of those animals, the land, and the universe will continue to evolve and expand. When we source our food from high-quality regenerative farms, eat nose to tail, and honor the lives of the animals we are consuming, we can begin to honor the sacredness that is the circle of life. You will learn, grow, and heal in ways you never could expect, and your life and the lives of those around you will be all the better for it."

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"I was diagnosed with Graves' disease (an autoimmune thyroid disease) when I was pregnant with my second baby a year and a half ago. Today I got a call from my specialist telling me that my thyroid numbers are normal for the first time since my diagnosis."

-Sarah, Mama Baby Biome Alumni

"This course has improved my life so much more than I could have imagined when I first signed up for it! I was looking forward to learning how to cook healthful meals for my family, especially meats which I have never been very confident with. Not only did I gain a ton of tasty new skills in the kitchen, but I also experienced healing that happened way faster than I thought was possible. ​[...] I know that implementing the things I learned from Kate have played a huge role in my healing, and I feel like I've barely scratched the surface of all the things she's offered in this course. I'm so glad I have lifetime access to the lessons and recordings because I feel like I'll be learning and integrating from these teachings for a long time to come."

"[My 8 month old is] eating breakfast and lunch with me, super engaged and loving his meat stock, egg yolks, bone marrow, fermented dairy, and soups. And his eczema has cleared up!"

-Elena, Mama Baby Biome Alumni

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"This course was so rich, helpful, and above and beyond, Kate. What I gained: confidence, self-trust, a willingness to experiment, and new skills to feed my family.​My intention for the class was to get my baby eating more solids and GAPS foods. [...] I feel so great about the foods I’m giving him, and my ability to feel into what to feed him. ​ You really give your heart and soul to this work and your students and it shows. Thank you for all your loving care and willingness to share."

"First, just gaining confidence in preparing foods for myself and my family, and gaining knowledge of better nutritional options for us has yielded better skin, better digestion, and more stable moods, even with a very stressful cross country move."

-Megan, Mama Baby Biome Alumni

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"So many wins! I was originally motivated to join the June cohort in anticipation for my son the start solids when he turned 6 months this past August. But I was so happy to implement the recipes and teachings right away for myself and my daughter (2.5), however, and the wins followed immediately.

Skin- a painful patch of eczema on my hand (that at one point became infected with MRSA) has gone into remission and healed almost completely

Digestion- no more bloating. Fully formed BM's, IBS gone. No more cycles of diarrhea or constipation.

Mood- overall more energy and happiness knowing the foods I'm making and choosing are not only satisfying but nourishing. Being in the routine of preparing more food also alleviates the stress of "what are we going to eat"? I also am so grateful to have nourishing food on hand to help keep my blood sugar regulated between nursing sessions and chasing a toddler! I'm also grateful to have food on hand for anyone else who might need it in my community. I was able to prepare a chicken soup on short notice for a mom recently, who suffered a pretty traumatic miscarriage. I was so honored to offer her a healing meal, that I made from my heart for her and her family.

Extra credit- COMMUNITY! Both the uplifting experience of engaging with everyone here and then bringing this enthusiasm and knowledge to my own local community with friends and family! It's really boosting my self esteem and given me purpose and better understanding of my own values and sense of self. I'm buying locally and advocating for friends and family to do the same. It feels great to be a small pebble of inspiration that ripples out to others. I know it's a phrase that I've heard my whole life, but I've never experienced it myself. Be the change you wish to see in the world. I feel a great sense of purpose and service. Kate's work has inspired new dreams for me to open a community center or even host monthly mothers' workshops. And I LOVE sharing stock with my friends and family!

Thank you all for your continued support and contributions ♥️"

Eczema Before & After

Mama Baby Biome

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What will my family eat?

Our Food Philosophy is...


Food that your body craves with miraculous gut healing powers. While the initial switch can be challenging, the long-lasting changes which arise from nourishing foods make it all worth it.


Foods that rebuild and cleanse based on the evolutionary diets of our ancestors. Food that keeps you feeling full for longer. Every time you cook someone will ask, "Mmm, what's that smell?"


Mama Baby Biome nutritional protocol is universal because cultures all over the world have fermented foods throughout the ages. Mama Baby Biome has helped over 250+ of families reverse their symptoms.

Modern food is what causes modern disease. From this perspective, FOOD is the ONLY medicine.

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Included in Mama-Baby Biome

10 Recorded Cook Alongs with a GAPS Practicioner & Nutritional Therapist ($750 Value)

6 Weeks of Course Content i.e. Cooking/Sourcing Tips, Self-Care Protocols, Currated Research ($1,050 value)

Private FB Group for Mama Baby Biome where present and past Mothers share their successes and ask questions

Bonus Content

($49) Every Meal Healing Cookbook w/ 25+ Recipes

($300) Access to the private Mama-Baby Biome FB Group

Total Value


Your Price...



Save $75 this week (Use Code: CELEBRATION)

or 3 monthly payments of $91, $166, $166

If you are ready to start

Eating Well, Living Well, and Feeling Well...

Then Mama Baby Biome is the best way to jumpstart the health of you and your family.

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Course Format

This self-paced course walks you through the process of Healing and Building your Gut Microbiome through 10 recorded Cook Alongs, and 6 self-paced modules.

Throughout the modules you get access to 10 Cook Along classes (with shopping lists, recipes, and step-by-step instructions), nutritional protocol videos by Kate, a Cook Book, Research Papers, and other resources to help you understand the Gut Health of you and your family.

Module 1 -- NOURISH

Module 2 -- HEAL & SEAL

Module 3 -- REBUILD

Module 4 -- REPLENISH

Module 5 -- CLEAR THE WAY

Module 6 -- RENEW


Foundations of Regenerative Nutrition

- Addressing sugar cravings

- Food & Mood: Fats, Cholesterol & Blood Sugar Regulation


Closing the Holes of Leaky Gut

-What is leaky gut

-What causes leaky gut

-What foods repair leaky gut

-Organ Meats


What makes up the Microbiome?

-Fermentation Demo & Microbiome Lecture

-How to start probiotics

-Probiotics vs. Homemade Fermented Foods


Minerals & Hydration

-How to get your Micronutrients

-Rebuilding Micronutrient stores after birth

-Raw Milk, Fermented Dairy, Fish & shellfish, Spring Greens


Understanding safe & effective detoxification

-Learn how toxins leave the body

-Support safe gentle detoxification through daily self-care

-Skin & Ezcema Guide For Mom & Baby


The Spectrum of Healing Holistically

-Flower Essences

-Supportive Therapies for Healing With Food as Medicine

-Coping with Emotional Road Blocks

Cook Alongs

The meat of Mama Baby Biome is the 10 Cook Alongs. Each one is designed to walk you through sourcing, shopping, prepping, and preparing microbiome supporting foods for you and your family, in an easy and fun way. You learn while you cook and eat!

As a Private Chef for 5 years I learned how to streamline the process of making a meal.

As a Nutritional Therapist I built community with local growers and experimented with the seasonal bounty.

As a GAPS Practicioner I know which foods help you and your baby alleviate symptoms and feel better.

The Menu

Here's what you'll learn how to prepare across the 10 Cook Alongs


Rare Roast Beef

24 Hour Salted Chicken

Lamb Shoulder Roast

Cripsy Pork Belly w/ Sweet & Sour Sauce

Beef Stew

Pink Peppercorn & Lemon Butter Chicken

Pull Apart Pork Butt

Steak Salad w/ Green Goddess Dressing

Shrimp Skewers

Liver Pate Loaf

Lamb Heart Steaks

Soups & Stocks

Oxtail Meat Stock

Kale & Sausage Soup w/ Egg

Brothy Clams w/ Fennel, Garlic, & Herbs

Chicken Meat Stock

Turkish Village Soup

Beef Cheek Chili


Ginger Garlic Cauliflower Rice

Garlic Cauilfower Mash

Kohlrabi & Carrot Fries


Sweet Egg Custard


Radish Ferment

Creme Fraiche

Fruit Kvass

Fermented Ginger Carrots


Fermented Salmon (Gravlax)

Homemade Yogurt

Beet Kvass

Condiments & Nibbles

Salsa Verde

Bone Marroe Butter w/ Horseradish

Homemade Mayo

Deviled Eggs

Miso Dressing

Rendering Tallow

Enchilada Sauce

Kefir Cream Dressing


Broccolini w/ Red Pepper Flakes & Garlic Chips

Spring Vegtable Salad w/ Mint & Nigella Seed

Sauteed Baby Bok Choy w/ Seasame Oil Drizzle

Seasonal Green Salad w/ Tahini Dressing

Sauteed Kale Raab

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Who is this for?

Mothers who struggle with digestive issues and are ready for root cause solutions

Mamas whose children have with eczema, allergies & asthma

Women who plan to conceive in the next two years or sooner and want to prepare their bodies for healthy birth & pregnancy

Pregnant women

Breastfeeding Mothers who feel depleted, and will soon introduce Solids for Baby

Mamas of picky eaters

Doulas, Postpartum Care Practitioners or Nutritional Therapists working with Babies or Children

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Kate Pope

GAPS Practitioner, Functional Nutritional Therapist, Former Private Chef, Mother of two

My journey to motherhood started far before conception, in fact my husband and I prepared our bodies for two years. During that process I learned a lot about what goes into bringing life into this world.

Not everyone has the opportunity or foresight to plan for childbirth, or the luxury of resting during pregnancy, and once the child is born you’ll find yourself preoccupied- to say the least.

That’s why I’ve created this class- Mama Baby Biome- to focus your attention on the most important thing a mother can do before conception, during pregnancy, or after birth… build a microbiome together.

Do you offer a payment plan?

Yes, we offer a 3-month payment plan.

What if I don't want to do a restrictive protocol?

I've structured the course to teach the physiology of the body. I will share what foods feed pathogenic flora and what foods do not. From there, its up to you what foods you take out and add in. My professional and personal experience have shown me how great this works for children and adults, but the way in which you go about it can be individual to you!

Is this course taught live?

No, you will have access to 10 perviously recorded classes in Kate's kitchen & several Q&As. In addition there are over

I've heard doing GAPS takes two years, is this true?

Healing the gut with food as medicine is an effective way to get to the root of the discomfort. The amount of time that it takes to heal is bio individual. My intention is that this course helps you make sustainable & enjoyable lifestyle change that goes far beyond the length of the course.

Should I take this class if I want to conceive in a few years?

This course teaches the same methods that I used to prepare my body for pregnancy.

What is your refund policy?

We do not offer refunds for the course.

Do you have course Questions?


Follow on Instagram @wildnutritionist



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Baby Biome First Foods ($100 Off)

Baby Biome First Foods ($100 Off)

  • Add 4 Additional Module on ancestral & traditional Food Introduction for babies 4-12 months old.
  • 10 Week Food Introduction Protocol with helpful tips like how to manage symptoms & learn what your baby's poo is telling you!
  • Recipes & Cooking Demos- hassle free for busy moms.
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